The Effective Altruism Movement

Effective altruism (EA) is a social and philosophical movement incorporating concepts from economics in order to treat ethical problems of our time. The fact that the world has more problems than any single one of us can tackle forces us to make a selection in our efforts to help others, whether consciously or not. Effective altruists want to learn how to use reason and evidence to do the most good given the limited resources we have.


Resulting activities range from hands-on charity work all the way to debating the meaning of that word "good". This can be done by volunteer work or as a career, by donating money or spreading the word — but it does not demand that you give so much as to end up suffering yourself. And it is the opposite of being cold-hearted.


The global EA community holds open-mindedness as a core value. It is in constant search for new members from all backgrounds and with diverse talents — since you have found your way here, likely also for you!